Category - seo


ChatGPT Doesn’t Produce E-E-A-T Content

Blog Google Updates seo

Understanding E-E-A-T Content and Its Importance for SEO E-E-A-T content represents Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness and a bunch of value rules Google uses to assess web content. To maintain its quality standards, Google needs educated experts who are considered authorities in their field.  These experts must ensure that the content is written in a way […]


Understanding the Significance of Core Web Vitals for Your Website

Blog seo technical seo

Core Web Vitals is a compilation of items that Google considers important for in-depth information about a website user. Core Web Vitals incorporates three specific speed measurements as well as many user-rich interaction content that is rich in content delays of initial installation and additional layout changes. In simple terms, Core Web Vitals is one […]